Thursday, September 23, 2010

MIT- Most Important Task

MIT - Most Important Task

From Zen habits.

It’s very simple: your MIT is the task you most want or need to get done today. In my case, I’ve tweaked it a bit so that I have three MITs — the three things I must accomplish today. Do I get a lot more done than three things? Of course. But the idea is that no matter what else I do today, these are the things I want to be sure of doing. So, the MIT is the first thing I do each day, right after I have a glass of water to wake me up.

And here’s the key to the MITs for me: at least one of the MITs should be related to one of my goals. While the other two can be work stuff (and usually are), one must be a goal next-action. This ensures that I am doing something to move my goals forward that day.

And that makes all the difference in the world. Each day, I’ve done something to make my dreams come true. It’s built into my morning routine: set a next-action to accomplish for one of my goals. And so it happens each day, automatically.
goals: lose weight. lose debt.
work: raise confident, independent, happy, healthy, resilient, loving, smart, intellifent, intelectual, spiritual, empathetic, kind, caring, athletic, creative, beautiful kids. have a loving, caring, romantic, friendship with my husband.
so, examples of MIT for goals would be ...
- exercise, don't spend money today, save on spending, eat healthy, stay within alloted points, cook and eat home food, be mindful when eating, buy something on sale, do not buy what you do not neet to live, etc...
and, examples of MIT for work would be ...
- do laundry, spend 20 minutes quality 1:1 time with each child, read 3 stories to kids today, play outisde for 20 mintues with kids today, go on a date with husband, be mindful of how i speak to husband today, give husband a treat today, be very nice to husband today, give husband a break today, etc...
So, I need a new journal for all this great stuff. Buy one tomorrow or on Weekend. Place it with my calendar in my bedside table.
Begin all this on Sept.29th. And blog about it :)